自由の旗 自由の民(同盟国歌)

《银河英雄传说》插曲 作词:秋吉满ちる 作曲:风户慎介 编曲:风户慎介 演唱:秋吉满ちる

Liberty stands for freedom
On hail the flag that set us free
standing righ teous. Symdo lic of strength
our hopes for freedom to be
My friends, not so far away
Rulers will reunit hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men

Fighting hard for the future
The promise of a better day
For tomorrow we drink from the cup,
the wine we fought for today
My friends, let us sing a song.
sing a long ring a bell, liberty!
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men

"F"that satnds for our freedom
as well the flag that stands so strong
Spirits set free in our future land.
so let us share in this song
My friends, not so far away
Rulers will reunit hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men


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