『歷史四處奔波──』(The Chronicle of history. It is as rapid as a blink of an eye.)
離散的老預言者與流浪的三姊妹(The dispersed aged oracle and vagrant sisters.)
少女的天秤不會傾向父親或母親兩邊的秤盆(The scales of Layla influenced by Moors and Iberian)
昏暗冷雨的牢獄 被腐朽長眠所囚禁的男人(A cold dank dungeon, a man in the grip of a corner.)
取回被奪去的火焰 緋紅的眼眸輕輕睜開(The lost flame revealed his soul, awaken with ruby eyes)
男人詢問少女 少女回答其名為《美麗的夜晚(Layla)》 (He asked the girl, the reply was Layla)(※3)
少女也詢問男人 回答的是不熟悉的異國聲調(She returned the question, his reply was cryptic )
少女稱呼男人為《惡魔(Demon)》 男人發出奇妙的嗤笑(The girl acclaimed him a Demon, he laughed mysteriously)
少女即使立在分隔生死的深淵 亦凜然無懼……(Perched upon the ****less , she showed no fear)
將被侵略者奪去的先祖土地奪回 Î 為侵略者所嘲笑 塗滿鮮血的羔羊們
將藐視救濟者的異教徒化作鐵鏽 Î 預言者並非神祗 只是多神教的偶像
侵略者 ó 被侵略者 ï 歷史數度重覆
侵略者 ó 被侵略者 ï 好幾次地重覆
率領黑軍的是 褐色的狼將【勇者Ishaq】(The Iberian forces led by the Brown Wolf【A Valiant Ishaq】)
率領白軍的是 歷戰的英雄【聖騎士Ramirez】(The ivory forces led by the battle savior【Holy Knight Ramirez】)
將勝利與正義賭上劍刃 戰士們的『狂想曲』(Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior's loyalty to his sword.)
《農夫──即為兄長(Hermano mayor)》 ó 《牧者──即為弟弟(Hermano menor)》