梅克林格曾用这样的话来形容莱因哈特:“皇帝用他自己的生命和生涯来表现自己。他是一个诗人,一个不需要语言的诗人。” 无独有偶,有一位多首作品被银英动画采用为背景音乐的英年早逝的伟大音乐家也是一位“不需要语言的诗人”,他就是因为作品具有强烈的诗化气质而被誉为“钢琴诗人”的波兰音乐家弗雷德里克·弗朗西斯克·肖邦(Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin)。
Spring has arrived, and merrily
the birds greet it with happy song;
and the brooks, at the blowing of the zephyrs,
with sweet murmuring rush along.
Then, covering the air with a black cloak,
come lightning and thunder chosen to herald it;
then, when these are silent,
the little birds return anew to their melodious enchantment.
And now in the pleasant flowery meadow,
to the soft murmur of boughs and grasses,
sleeps the goatherd with his faithful dog at his side.
To the festive sound of pastoral bagpipes,
Nymphs and shepherds dance under their beloved sky
At Spring’s sparkling arrival.
英国指挥大师比彻姆曾经这样评价亨德尔:“他写意大利风格比意大利人强,写法国曲子比法国人好,写英国音乐超过任何英国人,而且除了巴赫他胜过所有德国人”,钢琴之王李斯特则说过,“亨德尔伟大得象宇宙似的天才”,而贝多芬对亨德尔更推崇备至,称他是“所有大师中无可企及的大师”,乃至有过“亨德尔是有史以来最伟大的作曲家,我会在他的墓前脱帽下跪”的说法(Handel is the greatest composer who ever lived,I would bare my head and kneel at his grave)。