
标题: Absalom

UID 7221
精华 3
帖子 123
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星海币 891 sosa
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注册 星海历06年4月1日
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发表于 星海历06年6月24日 22:56  资料  主页 短消息  加为好友  QQ

How fast should be the wind,
Can it catch the pace of time?
How unyielding should be the mind,
Can it face against the inexistent crime?

Under the heaven, you pored over the field of vision,
Filled with the sorrow and tear of killing.
When royalty and faith made collision,
You did, unfortunately, what you were not willing.

Resplendent as your unique hair,
Soul remained, forever, as a brave legend.
No matter it was just or not fair,
All the glory and halo will come to an end.

       What is most brilliant of all
       May be the fatal cause of your fall.



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